Rest My Soul
My head I rest On that loving breast, Undone and I To that shelter fly. Not groping nor complaining In my heart, For covered there My wanting does depart. The arrow flies by day And stalkers haunt By night to burn my bones And jeering taunt- But for all attacks

On Our Engagement
I’ve been remembering our engagement and wedding day lately. Close friends of ours are getting married soon, and last time we got together they came prepared without about 30 questions on marriage. I think that got my memory rolling. It also helps that I’ve been doing a bible study on

Mankind In Heaven
In Heaven joy will be so great That here it hurts to taste it, Where all our walls come crumbling down No friendship will be wasted. Bitter envy and jealous strife No more to come between us, Sisters who had once “cut their ties” Greet again with glowing eyes. A

On Dying With Dignity, a poem.
They say “Stage four, There’s not much more To do for you.” “A pack of pills Prolong your ills, We’ll numb the pain, But not much gain Under the sun Is left. Just run… Your best.” “My best?” you say, “Is this the way All sputtering To go? Say No.”

Grace for Peter
“Satan has asked” (May it be abhorred!) “Satan has asked,” Now draws his sword. “To sift.” What does he seek To keep? And what to throw away? “As wheat.” Cast to the threshing floor Or to with flail beat. “But I have prayed,” (May that be weighed!) This must mean

On Entrapment In a Media Age
Ours is a world of gorging Half blind. Looks alright, take a bite, Leave it behind. Fast paced, So little time to taste, Seeking sustenance- “Was that a crumb That fed me well? But with no permanence…” Gnawing- (How did we get here?) On a pig’s ear. Satiated- (Are we

The Calvinist, by John Piper
I really enjoyed this poem by John Piper, and especially its’ combination of video, voices, and music. I love that he paints a picture of a man who desires God to invade every avenue of his life. The description of this man’s heart in evangelism is probably my favorite part:

The Mystery of Marriage
There’s no analogy in life Sufficient for man with his wife Heavenly vision has contained That glory lest it be profaned- Of course though yet, a man may choose To cast away all Heaven’s views. Angels weep that desecration That destroys one flesh relation. But now- move on to brighter

To Know Him
To know the inscrutable Eternal God, This is where my heart Must trod. To know Him near and wholly mine This piece of clay the great Divine. An awesome task with shudder To with miry Hands raise diamonds to Fiery Sun, while mucking there the glassy Cuts might make such