“Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?”
Written By: Isaac Watts (1674–1748) Performed here by: Wayfarer I discovered this version thanks to this blog: http://thegoodchristianmusicblog.com/ Other neat versions of the song have been done by Sojourn, Red Mountain Church, and Koine Music, and you should seriously check out all those links. The lyrics in full are below, and

The New Convert, By William Cowper
The new-born child of gospel grace, Like some fair tree when summer’s nigh, Beneath Emmanuel’s shining face Lifts up his blooming branch on high. No fears he feels, he sees no foes, No conflict yet his faith employs, Nor has he learnt to whom he owes The strength and peace

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go: A Hymn For The Weary and Discouraged
One of the reasons I love this hymn, written in 1882 by George Matthison, is for its rich poetic content. If you like, here is the story surrounding the hymn. The lyrics deserve to be read slowly, and you will find Chris Rice’s version of the song below. “O Love

Before the Throne of God Above: A Hymn for the Sin Grieved Soul
Sometimes Christians lose sight of the gospel. I’ve been there. You give yourself over to ruthless self examination and slip into works righteousness thinking that loses sight of hope. You’ve seen that your heart is fickle. One second you worship God and the next you curse men who are made

Abide With Me: A Hymn for the Dying
When I search my mind for a favorite hymn “Abide With Me” rises quickly to the surface. CyberHymnal.org gives us this information about the circumstances surrounding the writing of this hymn by Henry Lyte in 1847: Lyte was inspired to write this hymn as he was dying of tuberculosis; he